Laparoscopic Surgery

Otherwise identified as minimally invasive surgery (MIS), band-aid surgery, or keyhole surgery, this modernized and surgical method operates within the abdomen. Negating larger incisions, this technique is known for the usage of smaller incisions on the patient.

To initiate your procedure, the abdomen is inflated with gas (carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide).  This is simply done by injection with a needle. This pushes the abdomen wall away from the organs so that your surgeon has a clear visual of the internal organs. The surgeon will then insert a laparoscope through a small incision and continue examination/surgery. The laparoscope has a small camera attached that will allow your surgeon to clearly see the internal areas.

Laparoscopic surgery is as safe as traditional open surgery. The surgeon initially will inspect the abdomen to determine whether laparoscopic surgery is right for you. Keep in mind, if there is a large amount of inflammation or other factors that prevent a clear view, the surgeon may need to proceed with larger incisions to perform the operation safely.

There are a number of advantages to the patient with laparoscopic surgery

  • While procedure times might be slightly longer, patients are often discharged from the hospital within the same day, returning them back to daily living.
  • Smaller incisions result in less pain, a shortened overall recovery time as well as minimal if any post-operative scaring.
  • A less likelihood of hemorrhaging reduces the chances blood transfusions. Last, but not least, this technique reduces exposure of your internal organs; therefore your risk of acquiring an infection is significantly decreased.

If you find that you have previous medical tests that are inconclusive we also provide a Diagnostic Laparoscopy Service, in which we will use the laparoscope and technique to determine what the next steps for you are.

Our staff is excited to share this exciting new medical advantage with you!

Please ask our staff for more information about any of our following services offered below including: Laparoscopic Surgery, Gallbladder Resection (which can also be done robot assisted), Intestinal and Colon Surgery, Hernia Repair, Appendix Resection, Anti-Reflux (GERD) Surgery, Gastroparesis Surgery, Kidney Surgery, Spleen Resection and Adrenal Resection.

What Preperations are Required for Laparoscopy Surgery?

  • Blood work
  • Medical evaluation
  • Chest x-ray
  • An EKG

Depending on age and medical condition:

  • Written consent is needed after your surgeon reviews the potential risks and benefits of the surgery with you.
  • Shower the night before or morning of procedure
  • Empty your colon and cleanse your intestines before surgery (per surgeons request)
  • Drink a special cleaning solution
  • Consumption of only clear liquids, only, for one or several days prior to the operation (per surgeons request)
  • After midnight the night before the operation you should not eat or drink anything.
  • Drugs such as aspirin, blood thinners, anti-inflammatory medications (arthritis medications) and Vitamin E will need to be stopped temporarily for several days to a week prior to surgery.
  • Diet medication should not be discontinued two weeks prior to surgery.
  • Quit smoking
  • Arrange for at home help/assistance for post operation
© 2018, Dr. Nick H. Gabriel. All Rights Reserved.
Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Nick H. Gabriel, D.O.